Thursday, August 02, 2007

Topi in the dictionary

My sister Jeanne just sent me a great link to the Free Dictionary, which has a definition for Topi! I particularly like the reference to an antelope. That explains Topi's speed!

Noun1.topitopi - a light-weight hat worn in tropical countries for protection from the sun
chapeau, hat, lid - headdress that protects the head from bad weather; has shaped crown and usually a brim
shade - protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight; "they used umbrellas as shades"; "as the sun moved he readjusted the shade"

2.topitopi - a large South African antelope; considered the swiftest hoofed mammal
antelope - graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward; includes gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks
Damaliscus, genus Damaliscus - African antelopes: sassabies