Monday, November 05, 2007

Oh, Where does the time go?

My last post was August 2, and today is.... ? November 5th. A month-long trip to the US has passed, and a 1-year birthday! Rather than try to scramble to upload hundreds of pictures, here is a photo from an unseasonably warm October day, when Grammy Judy, Topi and I went to Chicago and found a warm little beach for Topi to play on.
And I must post a little video of Topi walking with his favorite toy, a firetruck. (I'd recommend watching it with the sound off, unless you want to hear me sing the Firetruck song!)

A few more moments from our trip:

In the Chrysler 300F

Comet with Uncle Tony

Tractor ride at the farm with: left front (Johanna, Uncle Gary, Rose, Uncle Tony) right front (Topi!, Grammy Judy, Auntie Lois, Jordan)

Meeting Great-Grandma Jeannette was very special and we had a great time!

On the tractor with Dede (Grandpa Mark)!

Here's a link to all the rest on my Walgreen's page.


Sarah W. said...

Aw, shucks.... I wish I'd known you'd be in my city; who knows when you'll be back! Great to see all of your photos of family familiar and new.

Well perhaps I'll have to visit you. I'm looking at March 2008. You busy?


Rose Margaret Deniz said...

Hi Wayne! Yes, come visit! We may go to Germany in April, so March would be great! xoxo Rose

Sarah W. said...

Hiya Rose.... I'm sorry to say I couldn't get my passport in time.... instead going to visit my mom in Florida.... she is kind of ill.
