Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Studio/Guest Room

Our former bedroom is now my studio, so I have a room to paint in, stitch in, draw, or just hang out. I promise I will share when guests come! I have been enjoying the space immensely.... I confiscated an old vanity table that once belonged to Devrim's parents and made curtains for it (yes, the same yellow gingham I can't stop talking about), have all my books... (in just one year my collection has grown) and organized my fabric neatly in these fantastic collapsable zippered storage containers I bought at the bazaar. They might make good gifts if anyone is in need of tidy soft storage! Let me know!

Below, proof that we can accomodate guests... hint! hint! For those of you who read my Rose Deniz blog and look at website updates, here's a glimpse at some of the changes that will be taking place prior to welcoming baby deniz and the early months. Having a studio at home will allow me to shift gears a little bit... I want to design and make one-of-a-kind bags with more luxurious materials, maybe research having my own fabric printed and made, and stick to wholesale orders instead of smaller, limited quantity bags, so when I emerge from the cocoon of early motherhood, I'll have a lot of ideas for my next collection of bags. I'm not putting a time limit on any this, but the nice thing is that behind the scenes I'll be able to work with fabulous non-profits like Nest and continue to sell bags on my favorite Partner In Craft site Cut+Paste. Be sure to check my Rose Deniz blog for updates!

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